If your web hosting plan expires, the action needed to reactivate it depends on how many days have passed since your account was due.
- Day of expiration to 12 days past due: Your website will remain active and available on the internet, as will your email.
- 13 days past due: At this point, your website will no longer be visible on the internet and your email will no longer work as well. This will likely have a negative effect on your website ranking on various search engines. Any emails sent to you will fail to be delivered, likely returned to the sender as undeliverable, and you will not be able to send emails from your domains either.
- 14 days past due: Your files, website, and emails will likely be deleted. Please note, that in some cases, files are retained for up to 180 days, but there is no guarantee of this. We can only guarantee your files will remain on the server for up to 13 days past your unpaid invoice date. IMPORTANT: It is not safe to assume your files will be available past the 13-day minimum, your files and email, as well as anything else related to your account, can be deleted at any time after the 13-day minimum.
Since web hosting is a pre-paid service, once your account is past due and your files are deleted, your web hosting account will be closed.