Please note: if your domain is past-due and renewed, the renewal will be for 1-year from the date listed on the unpaid invoice, not the date on which you bring your account current. For example, if your domain expired on June 1st and you renewed it on June 13th, the next renewal date will be June 1st of the following year, not June 13th.
- Day of expiration to 12 days past due: The domain will remain active and we can renew your domain for you once the past-due balance is paid
- 13 days past due: At this point the domain is no longer active in your account. We can recover the domain once the past-due balance is paid for as well as a recovery fee of $60.
- 26 days past due to before the close of the auction: Your domain will be put up for auction, but we can still recover the domain once the past-due balance is paid for as well as a recovery fee of $60. If there is an active auction bid on the domain you will no longer be able to recover it.
- Post Auction: If your domain is sold at auction then the domain is no longer recoverable. If it does not sell at auction then the domain will be released back to the registrar for re-sale. We can not advise you as to who will have the domain at that time.